
  • Automating Your Home Climate Control With Home Assistant

    About a year or so ago, I moved away from HomeKit and starting using Home Assistant. HomeKit was just too unreliable when it came to automating things, not to mention that Siri is very moody about when it wants to work or not. My Home Assistant setup now controls all my HomeKit, Zigbee, and Z-Wave…

  • Fixing a bricked EdgeRouter Lite

    Last week the EdgeRouter I use for my office did not come back after a reboot or perhaps I was too impatient, so I tried to reset it and that is when things went wrong. Long story short, somehow I got the router into a state where it would not boot up anymore and the…

  • Dealing with SQLite files in mobile apps

    Recently I found myself wanting to inspect what was in the application database outside of the mobile application I was working on, which as usual lead me to search for a solution on DuckDuckGo. I found a great link here, which basically says: Download and install SQLite command line tools if necessary (OSX comes with…

  • How to determine and set your default java version on OSX

    Open terminal and do the following: [korey@localhost ~]$ cd /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines [korey@localhost /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines]$ ls -al This will give you a list of JDKs that you have installed. To set the default java version to 1.8.0_131 for example, use the following command: [korey@localhost ~]$ /usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8.0_131 –exec javac -version Related link

  • IoT Devices and Network Security

    This is going to be a multi-part post about securing your home/business network and separating your IoT devices into their own to keep them and yourself “safer”. With the explosion of IoT in the recent years, it is hard to find anything without some sort of “smart” capabilities. Whether it is a TV, Sonos, Nest…

  • Solving Appcelerator Compile Issue – Invalid Request

    After updating the Appcelerator CLI, my build started failing. The log message was not very helpful, but Google was and it lead me to this link. The gist of it is here: result from /build-verify=> {“success”:false,”error”:”invalid request”,”code”:””}, err=null The answer, perform the following [korey@localhost ~]$ appc logout Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 6.2.0 Copyright (c) 2014-2017, Appcelerator,…

  • Manage Apache on OSX (Updated or Yosemite)

    Here is a little tip for customizing apache on OSX. The first thing you have to do is turn on Web Sharing in your System Preferences. This will start the local Apache server and you can access it by going to http://localhost. From here, you can start modifying it to your will. Apache customization is…

  • Have you ordered your Apple Watch?

    The Apple Watch went on sale starting 3AM EST this morning, and its shipping date has already slipped to June, but was it a success? This is exactly what many are trying to determine since Apple got super smart about how it handled the launch. While you can go to an Apple Store to get…

  • Getting Fancy with Terminal

    One of my recent adventures into NodeJS has led me down the path of MEAN and reading various articles on that, I came across various Terminal alternatives and enhancements. I know, I know, I am late to the party, but when I saw FishShell, I was sold. Then I saw Powerline and liked that too,…

  • Installing MongoDB on OSX (Yosemite)

    Installing MongoDB on OS X is an easy task. However, if you want the service to start each time your computer is restarted, some additional effort is required. The easiest way to get MongoDB installers is to use Homebrew. [korey@localhost ~]$ brew install mongodb At this point MongoDB is installed. To start it manually, first…