Author: korey

  • Reproducable Development Environments

    Have not had a chance to try this out yet, but Vagrant seems like a great solution to create small, portable development environment. With this, there will be less of “Well it works on my box!”. You can just receive the development environment where the problem exists and easily reproduce it.

  • WP7, Now with Lowered Hardware Requirements

    As part of the Nokia keynote at MWC, it was announced that WP7 will have lower hardware requirements to allow for cheaper phones, but is that a good move? While Microsoft is promising the keep fragmentation down, developers now have to do more testing and will have less of a potential WP7 market if their…

  • Get Apps for Free

    I came across an article on c|net talking about Free My Apps and how it lets you get free paid Apps in exchange for you time spent on sponsored Apps. The approach is certainly interesting and it helps some developers get the word out for their apps, or perhaps convince you enough to switch to…

  • Packaging Sencha Touch 2

    Here is a great guide for packaging your Sencha Touch 2 application. In addition to this, also take a look at the getting started guide for Sencha Touch 2 since alot has changed.

  • Is Space the Final Frontier for Angry Birds?

    Rovio has been very creative in keeping the Angry Birds franchise alive and they have just announced a new version that is sure to sell just as well as all the other versions. Question is: Is space the final frontier? and if not, where will these angry birds show up next?

  • Download Messages Beta Now

    Mountain Lion may be a few months out still, but you can try out the messages app right now. Only question that remains is: will iChat be rolled into Messages? It would make some sense, but I doubt Apple would like to dirty its iOS pool with messages from those other companies. Update: After the…

  • OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion Continues to Blur the Line to iOS

    Apple’s next version of OSX is around the corner, and it continues to blur the lines between iOS and OSX. You can read more about that on Gizmodo. By why not just allow iOS apps to run on OSX? With all the talks about sandboxing apps and bringing more iOS features to OSX, it just…

  • Google Voice Alternative in Canada

    Until Google decides to wake up and offer/extend Google Voice here, the next best alternative is Dell Voice. You get a free number and you can pretty much call the rest of Canada for free.  The best part for most folks is getting around the silliness that Cellular service providers have here about charging long distance fees…

  • No Rumour Mill is like Apple’s

    You have to love the hype around Apple’s products. Every year around February and June, the rumors start about cheaper iPhones and smaller iPad’s. Every year, they are wrong but it does not stop the same rumors from spreading. IN every case, there are insiders and suppliers close to Apple that have relayed this information,…

  • You can starting going to McDonald’s again!

    Seems like some of the major fast food places, including McDonald’s, Burger Kink, and Taco Bell are planning on using better meet in their food. Better ground beef to be exact. This can only be good for everyone involved. The big questions are: – when will this go into effect? – why is it not…