Author: korey

  • A Rare Act of Goodwill

    I recently had to delay my travel to a customer site by a couple of weeks. Booking most of my trips through expedia, I called them and asked the agent to rebook my travel and paid the change fee. The two weeks past and it came time for me to travel back to the customer.…

  • Simplest way to keep your passwords secure on OSX

    Over the years I have heard from many folks that want to keep one master password and then store other passwords secure using the master password. As our dependence on the internet grows and everything goes online, this is becoming more and more of an issue. Many places have policies for passwords that cannot be…

  • Extending the system disk on a Windows VM

    I have had to do this on a few different occasions, and while its simple, I do not always remember the procedure so here it is for others to reference when needed. The issue is you setup your windows VM and after a while you start running out of disk space.  What do you do? The…

  • Why there is STILL no iPhone killer!

    And there probably won’t be one anytime in the near future. For anyone that doubts this, let me just say that Apple just surpassed Microsoft this past quarter in revenue and that is no small feat. Well it seems pretty simple enough to answer, right? Apple has a very simple formula: Make it simple Guarantee…

  • Add new files to SVN from the command line

    Here is a little tip for automating files that need to be added to SVN. First make sure you are in your project folder that is under source control. Then try the following: svn status | grep -e ^? With this you’ll notive that it will list the files, but its not in a format…

  • FaceTime for Mac

    The other big news out of Apple today was FaceTime for Mac. I personally think that windows should be next, but its a great step towards making this iPhone 4 function more usable. If you have a Mac, get your beta copy here.

  • App Store for the Mac?

    Did you watch Apple’s keynote speech this morning (or afternoon depending on your timezone)? There were some pretty interesting announcements, but the most significant of those is the new Mac App Store. Its being opened in 90 days and it works pretty much just like the iOS App Store. But, what does that mean for…

  • TDK is showing off see-through & Curved OLED Displays

    I love Engadget. Its like a drool factory for gadget lovers. They just had a blog post showing TDK’s latest OLED displays. While this by itself is an amazing achievement, think of what it will enable in the future. At the speed things are moving, within the next 10 years, we will have these embedded…

  • GAE: Querying on Child objects using parent Key

    This post is about the Google App Engine and its limitations. I googled for a while to try and find an article on how to do better queries using the datastore, but I did not find what I needed. I hope this helps some of you out there. I have a a bunch of child…

  • Get going with Tomcat & Eclipse on OSX

    I recently had to move a project off of Google App Engine. To my surprise, Google App Engines performance was just not fast enough for this project. In any case, this lead to my installation of Tomcat on OSX and integrating into Eclipse so here is how to do it: Get the latest tomcat:…