
  • New iPads coming?

    Apple has invited the press to an October 22nd event since they “still have a lots to cover.” It is highly expected that they will announce the next generation of iPads, along with the new Mac Pro and OSX Mavericks, not to mention updates to existing MacBook Pros and possibly an Apple TV update. As…

  • PVR Panel 2.0.0 is Available!

    The latest version of PVR Panel, the app that lets you manage your recordings on the go, has been reviewed, blessed and is now available in the App Store. You can read about it here. This was by far the fastest turn around time by the Apple Team. Colour us impressed. App Store

  • PVR Panel 2.0.0 Submitted for Approval

    PVR Panel, the app that lets you manage your recordings on the go, has been submitted to the App Store for Approval. This version brings with it a few new features: iOS7 compatibility Sorting recordings by name or date. Auto refresh on start Complete redesign and updated graphics In the meantime, the current version of…

  • Apple Announces iPhone 5S and 5c

    Apple just announced their iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c phones, but I have to admit that these events are not nearly as exciting as they were before. This is not entirely fault of Apple’s though, as images and details get leaked. The products themselves, and the predictability of the schedule itself are also factors here.…

  • Google is the Internet!

    That is a pretty obvious statement with the size of the company and the services it offers, but I did not have enough of an appreciation for that statement until recently. It is easy to dismiss the statement as an obvious one, but it is a little scary to me. No one company should affect…

  • PVR Panel News

    We have been a little quiet recently, but by no means have we stopped working on PVR Panel. With the recent news about iOS7 and ever increasing market share of Android, we have been hard at work to redesign the application from the ground up. So what news do we have? Version 1.1.2 Just got…

  • iOS7: Matt, Monochromatic, with few innovations (IMHO)

    Yesterday, at its World Wide Developer Conference (WWDC), Apple announced iOS7 and highlighted its new UI redesign and features. Unfortunately, there was almost nothing new or original. Almost every new redesigned element or feature was something that was already introduced by other mobile operating systems already (some years earlier). Worse yet, Apple’s Craig Federighi went…

  • Google’s broken privacy policies

    Privacy is a thing of the past, that is not secret. The best you can do these days is make it a little more difficult for some information to be found but sometimes even that proves to be difficult. This story started when I resold my Nexus 7 a few months back. I had had…

  • PVR Panel 1.1 is available!

    PVR Panel, the app that lets you manage your recordings on the go, has been reviewed, blessed and is now available in the App Store. You can read about it here. Hope you enjoy using it as much as we do and do not forget to rate it in the App Store.

  • Site Redesign

    We are very excited about our new site redesign. it is now more responsive (works equally well from your desktop or from your smartphone), with a fresh look.