The iPhone 4S, Coming October 14th!
Today’s Lets Talk iPhone event was met with mixed feelings. I think given the fact that the phone was released later than expected not to mention that this was Tim Cooks first product release, everyone expected a bit more wow. Here is a look at some of the rumours that were expected. Updated hardware Minus…
Amazon’s got fire!
As predicted, Amazon has scheduled a press conference for tomorrow and if the rest of the rumors are true, they will be announcing their new Tablet. How will this affect their commitment to the Kindle still remains to be seen. via Engadget
The Next iPhone is just around the corner
Looks like apple has finally confirmed the rumors and announced their iPhone event for October 4th at their headquarters. This must also mean that they have iOS ready for release as well. via engadget
Best Wishes To Steve Jobs
It was a sad moment to hear that Steve Jobs has resigned as CEO of Apple, Inc. As the inter-webs are speculating, this most likely due to his health condition. We all knew this was coming, but it was just one of those things you hope somehow never happens. We and the market have been…
Hitler learns HP is abandoning WebOS
via Gizmodo
Is this the death of WebOS?
I, personally, had high hopes for Web OS and Palm. I truly believed that it was the only worthy opponent to iOS and from the moment it was announced I was ready to buy into it except for the cheesy phone design. That was not the only mistake that Palm made though, and HP’s announcement…
Google NaCl
Google recently announced a new beta version of Chrome that supports NaCl, or Native Client. It allows C/C++ code to be natively executed inside the browser with restrictions. The new API is called Pepper, but it sounds much like the plagued ActiveX technology that Microsoft offered with IE a few years ago. What do you…
Getting started with PhoneGap
PhoneGap just released version 0.9.5, but it still does not fix the issue with getting a project started with Xcode 4. Here is what I did to get my project going: Make sure Xcode is closed. Install the latest version of PhoneGap Go to Xcode prefrences -> Source Trees -> Add a new entry PHONEGAPLIB…
A shift to Android
I have recently shifted to Android since I had to do some development for it and I had to see for myslef if the phone was really as bad as the simulator on the Mac. The short story is that it is impressive in its own way, but it is not an easy switch from…
Force SSH to use password authentication
This is a simple but useful tip. I have a server where I do SSH public key authentication for SVN+SSH, but sometimes would like to just login to the site and get a command line. For those times, I use the following command to force password authentication even tough I have the correct identity file…